2032 Bank Street

2032 Bank Street

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This Just In! Floors!

Last blog I left all of you with pictures of the house right after all of the old floors were taken out.  This week, the guys have been working very hard and have finished building all of the new floors.  In addition, all of the exterior walls have been framed.  As usual, some pictures...

first beam
working hard on the 2nd floor
1st floor, all finished
 space left for a staircase
2nd floor, back bedroom
3rd floor

We are at a pretty exciting stage because tomorrow we can start framing the internal walls.  Once those are finished, we will really get a feel for the layout and be able to visualize the rooms.

Regarding the room planning, our weekend trip to Lowes and Ikea was helpful, but very overwhelming. Although any time I leave a store with a cone of vanilla soft serve, I consider that trip successful.  I really think it was good for Sam and I to start looking and talking about what we like and dislike about different styles and materials.  We are very fortunate that we have similar ideas of what we want our finished rooms to look like... I couldn't imagine doing this otherwise!  I wonder how many home rehabs end in divorce?! Now that would be an interesting fun fact.  (Meanwhile, Tiger is hoping that his rehab prevents divorce http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hios4-HK4QDWC4NTBQnxtP6ES6PQ )

So, after looking at many, many choices for countertops, floors and cabinets, Sam and I are interested in a few different options.  We have been doing our research and are interested in your thoughts.  I posted a survey on the right hand side of the blog... take a second to place your vote! When the polls are closed, I am hoping to blog the results and then reveal and discuss OUR vote.

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1 comment:

  1. Try to get some marble put in your counter top,
    that is great for rolling out doughs, pizza dough, pie crust......
