2032 Bank Street

2032 Bank Street

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sunday Funday

In just a few hours, Sam and I will be sporting our Browns' jerseys and heading to the bar for what will be the last Sunday Funday of the season. It seems as though it wasn't always Fun on Sundays at 2032 Bank Street. We searched a library database of archived newspapers hoping to learn a little about our house's history...

We found applications for liquor licenses dating back to October 1902 so, it is likely that our house originally hosted a first floor bar with residential apartments upstairs.  On October 1, 1903, Mr. Thomas J. Arthur applied for his liquor license and deemed 2032 Bank "The Port Arthur Saloon".  There are a few accounts of him getting caught serving drinks on Sundays:

Was there any excuse for this? Let's all be honest, organized football only existed in Ohio in 1903. Baltimore wouldn't see a football team for another 44 years and it would be almost a century before they would steal, ahem buy, one. (haha, so hard to resist!) On that note, let's all be thankful for the National Football League, for NFL Sunday Ticket and for Chad, at JD's, who can legally serve us beer on Sundays! 

FunFact: "Sunday Funday" is actually a Christian video game featuring a bible-carrying, skateboarding hero who fights bullies and businessmen on his way to Sunday school. Check it out Wikipedia: Sunday Funday

JD's Smokehouse Bar and Grill, Canton

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  1. Hahaha what a great post! Who knew your house had such a history, hope you guys had a fun NYE!

  2. I can only imagine the senerio back then,can you imagine hiding in a second floor closet? You are so fortunate to have found this interesting and amazing history. I bet your new home could tell a lot of stories, keep us posted!
