I've noticed that many things get lost or misplaced during a move. This was the case with my camera USB cord. So, while I have continued to take photos of our progress, I've been unable to post them. I ordered a new one online and, we're back!
There has been a lot to blog about in the last couple of weeks but, I suppose I will just start where I left off. One major development has been the (relative) completion of our staircase. If you recall, we've had the stringers for quite some time but had temporary treads on them during construction:Stairs, Part 1
With such large, industrial looking stringers, we really couldn't buy the standard 1" treads at home depot. Henry had the treads cut at a mill. We decided on poplar wood, 1 3/4" thick with a square edge. They came back pretty rough:
It took about a day to sand and cut all of the treads down
After they were placed and screwed on we covered them immediately with cardboard. Because they are raw from the mill, the wood hasn't been dried in a kiln and we have to let them rest for a while before we stain and/or varnish them. We really don't want to get any footprints on them or else we would have to sand them another time.
Then, the railings were installed...
...and the banisters upstairs that match
We are very, very happy with how it all turned out. Thank you so much to Tom who fabricated the custom stairs and railings. I will have his information available soon but if anyone was interested in contacting him, please just send me an email.
I look forward to blogging again and keeping everyone up-to-date!